With this kit you can literally convert a Sanke coupler into a Cornelius style Ball Lock keg. This kit is a must if you want to use both Corny kegs and Sanke kegs in your kegerator. The conversion could not be easier to use. Just unscrew the tailpiece fittings off of the Sanke coupler and put the ball lock posts on. The kit comes complete with o-rings, poppets and posts as complete units. They are exactly like a standard corny keg ball lock connection, one for gas and one for liquid. The kit comes complete with o-rings, poppets and posts. They are exactly like a standard corny keg ball lock connection.
Don't confuse this kit with other Sanke conversion kits on the market. This is the only one that converts the Sanke keg into a ball lock keg. SANKE COUPLER SOLD SEPARATELY. KIT COMES WITH A GAS POST ASSEMBLY AND LIQUID POST ASSEMBLY. "...I purchased my second set of this conversion kit, after using my first purchase to convert one side of my Sanke commercial kegerator. With this second set I have the option of running two home brew kegs or a commercial keg whenever I wish. Easy to use!"